PowerListings details for Facebook

Facebook is the world's biggest social network with more than 1 billion users. Yext Sync for Facebook makes it easy to manage accurate and up-to-date contact information, photos, messages, and more on Facebook. Get set up in just minutes and update your information instantly.

PowerListings Features

PowerListing Placement:  Facebook Nearby, Facebook Graph Search, and Facebook local page.

Basic Listing Info:  Update your business name, phone number, categories, and address.

Special Offer:  Highlight your business listing with a Special Offer post of up to 50 characters of custom text.

Enhanced Content:  Add your business description, website, hours of operation and photos, as well as your PowerListings+ enhanced content lists like Menus, Products/Services, Staff Bios, and Event Calendars.

Tracking:  See the total number of Special Offer Clicks, Facebook Likes, and people talking about your page.

PowerListings Mobile

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