On Mapbox, if you search for Green Bay, you will find 5 places that exactly match "Green Bay". So which Green Bay is the best option? Here are the different pieces you will want to factor in to this part of the algorithm:
Population density - More likely than not, users are looking for more popular places, all else being equal
Distance to the user - The user is probably looking for a place closer to them, all else being equal
Typos - If the place name isn't an exact match, you will want to factor that in
Underlying Data Set - If the underlying data set only has places near Green Bay, Nova Scotia, the user probably means that Green Bay.
Once you've identified the right "Green Bay", you will want to geocode that term and turn it into a lat/lng. In this scenario, the user is searching from Wisconsin, so we are confident they mean Green Bay, Wisconsin and can geocode that location: 44.5133° N, 88.0133° W.
The final step is the easiest, but there are still a few important details. You will need to store a lat/lng associated with each object in the database and then have a system that can easily and quickly filter to a set of objects based on lat/lng. There are two general approaches to Geosearch:
Point + Radius - We have an exact point coordinate from the previous step, but you will need to figure out an ideal radius. This could be selected by the user or could depend on the place selected. If the place has a small geographic area you might want to use a smaller radius then a place with a larger geographic area.
Polygon - In certain scenarios, you might want to use a polygon instead of a point + radius. Perhaps if someone searches for "notaries in wisconsin", you might want to use the state boundary.
In this scenario, a point + radius probably makes more sense. Green Bay has an area of 50 mi2. This means the radius of Green Bay is roughly ~ 4 miles. We will double it to also include locations in the nearby region so we will use a radius of 8 miles to run a geosearch.
Using a combination of the lat/lng and a radius of 8 miles, we can turn this into a set of objects from the database. We will also filter the set of results to only show "cardiologists" and will sort the results based on their proximity to the center of Green Bay.