Yext Life

5 Min.

Einblicke von der ONWARD: The Everywhere Brand

Auf der Bühne der ONWARD 17 erklärten Jeffrey K. Rohrs und Jay Baer, wie wichtig die Verwaltung der digitalen Informationen über Ihr Unternehmen überall dort ist, wo diese sich befinden.


4 Dez. 2017

5 Min.

There's a new race to command more visibility for your people, products, and locations across the internet. For nearly 25 years, the battleground has been the website. But with 2020 fast approaching there's a new reality, and to win your business must think well beyond your website and app.

At ONWARD 17, Yext's own Jeffrey K. Rohrs (Chief Marketing Officer) and renowned marketing expert, Jay Baer (President, Convince & Convert) took the stage to explain how today's intelligent services have driven an increased demand for deep knowledge about brands, as well as the seven key traits of becoming The Everywhere Brand, including the importance of managing your business's digital knowledge everywhere it lives.

As Baer so eloquently said during the presentation: "if you don't manage your data, it goes rogue."

Want to learn more? Download the duo's eBook, The Everywhere Brand: Embracing the Universe Beyond Your Website (and App).

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