Press Release

Yext Spring ’20 Product Release Now Available for Early Access

Yext Japan

3月 19, 2020

2 分

Yext, Inc. (NYSE: YEXT), the Search Experience Cloud company, today announced the availability of its Spring ’20 Product Release for early access. The New enhancements give businesses more flexibility to structure their brand data, deliver optimal site search results, identify conversion sources, and more in the Yext Search Experience Cloud.

Yext, Inc. (NYSE: YEXT), the Search Experience Cloud company, today announced the availability of its Spring '20 Product Release for early access. The release introduces several enhancements to the Yext platform, including a new way to view suggestions to brand data, more visibility into the source of digital conversions, and customizable leaderboards, that will enable businesses to further optimize their knowledge graphs and search experiences.

"With today's release, the Yext Search Experience Cloud is more powerful than ever before," said Marc Ferrentino, Chief Strategy Officer of Yext. "Our Spring '20 enhancements further enable businesses not just to meet intent at every step of the customer journey, but to better understand the customer journey in a way that informs their business decisions."

The Spring '20 Product Release includes the following features:

  • New Suggestions Experience: A business's knowledge graph, the brain-like database that structures and stores millions of brand facts, must evolve over time to provide the best possible answers to consumer search queries. With the new Suggestions feature, Yext clients have a new way to view, filter, and take action on suggestions from consumers and their own employees to improve the data in their knowledge graphs.

  • Vertical Intents: From retailers emphasizing products to restaurants highlighting menu items, different businesses may want to prioritize the order of information appearing in their site search results. The new Vertical Intents feature of Yext Answers grants clients increased flexibility to choose what sections are featured in their site search results, depending on the query.

  • カスタムページマークアップ:Yext Pagesをご利用の企業では、求人情報や特別オファーなど、さまざまなエンティティタイプにつき作成するウェブページにカスタムのSchema.orgマークアップを追加できるようになりました。Schema.orgマークアップをウェブページに追加すれば、検索エンジンに自社の事業を理解してもらいやくなり、リッチな検索結果に自社情報が表示される確率を高めることができます。

  • コンバージョントラッキングの更新:2020年春の製品リリースでは、すでにリリース済みのコンバージョントラッキング機能をさらに拡張。公式ウェブサイト、リスティングやその他のプラットフォームなど、コンバージョンの発生元を特定し、顧客が自社事業を見つける方法について理解を深められるようになりました。

  • Leaderboards: Yext clients can now better understand how their individual business locations, professionals, events, or geographies perform with customizable Leaderboards inside Yext Analytics. From location leaderboards ranked by clicks to country leaderboards ranked by conversions, businesses can choose the metrics that matter to them to identify areas for focus and improvement.

For more information about the Spring '20 Product Release, visit the Release Notes.

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