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NHS Common Health Questions Connector

Use this connector to download common health questions from the National Health Service (NHS).

England's National Health Service (NHS) offers nearly 150 frequently asked questions related to topics such as infections, medicines, pregnancy, and more. Use this connector to bring in these questions and answers as FAQ entities into Yext Content. You can then use these entities to power an official NHS search vertical on your healthcare-related site!

  1. Click "Install" on this page.

  2. Review the files that will be added to your account and continue.

  3. You will be redirected to the Crawler overview page, where you can click on the NHS Crawler and wait until the health questions have been crawled (Note: this may take a few minutes, and you may need to refresh the page!)

  4. Once the crawler is finished, your connector will automatically run, and FAQ entities will be pulled into the account!

See how Yext can help you deliver answers wherever people search so you can grow your business.