Deliver Answers and Drive Conversions with Site Search
Deliver Answers and Drive Conversions with Site Search
Transform site visitors into customers — and learn more about what matters most to them — with a dynamic AI search experience on your website.

On average, companies with AI-powered site search from Yext see:
On average, companies with AI-powered site search from Yext see:
increase in site conversions
reduction in bounce rate
more time spent on site by users after they conduct a Yext-powered search
People want answers. So why does your website only give them links?
People want answers. So why does your website only give them links?
Answer your customers' questions
Yext site search understands natural language questions and returns direct answers — not just links. Deliver a true "ask me anything" experience with multiple algorithms that return the most relevant results, from rich snippets or professional profiles to FAQs, maps, and more.

Increase conversions
Quality results and customizable calls-to-action push people to convert, right from the search results page. On average, companies have seen a 1.4X increase in site conversions after implementing Yext site search.

Reduce bounce and increase time-on-site
On average, companies have seen their bounce rate drop by 37% and their customers spend 2.6X more time on site after using Yext site search.

Gain new insights
See deep insights about your customers' search queries and journeys. Then, surface the search terms that matter most to them in your other marketing efforts.

Sync content from anywhere
Does your product data live in one system, but your FAQs in another? Pull content from anywhere across your organization with Yext's data connectors and website crawler to power your search results.

Leverage natural language processing (NLP) to understand the meaning and context behind search queries.

A single answer extracted from a larger set of results

A new framework that makes it easy to add content to your CMS from a variety of sources including a web crawler. Building your own CMS just became easier than ever.

Understand exactly what products your customers are looking for with the specific results they receive, so you can better understand how to improve their experience.

Explore other marketing solutions from Yext
Explore other marketing solutions from Yext