Resolve Cases in Record Time with Agent Desktop Search
Resolve Cases in Record Time with Agent Desktop Search
Resolve cases in record time with agent desktop search. Empower agents to drive faster case resolution as they troubleshoot customer issues at scale.

The cost of chair swiveling
The cost of chair swiveling
Average time an agent spends understanding customer questions and searching for information
The amount of money a typical organization employing 1,000 workers wastes annually searching for, but not finding, information
of agents are unable to efficiently resolve customer issues due to disconnected systems
The Support Agent that isn’t on your payroll
The Support Agent that isn’t on your payroll
Increase customer loyalty and satisfaction (CSAT)
Give your agents access to the same knowledge as your customers so that they can be partners in issue resolution.

Reduce agent attrition
Keep your agents educated and equipped with knowledge so that they feel motivated to tackle more complex cases.

Reduce case resolution times
Help your agents cut through the noise by centralizing all support data for easy retrieval, allowing them to receive direct answers instantly.

A single answer extracted from a larger set of results

Our Extractive QA algorithm searches unstructured data - such as articles, product manuals, blog posts, and more - to return direct answers in the form of featured snippets.

Takes the subject of the main case being viewed and uses semantic text search to match to other cases with semantically similar case names

Understand exactly what products your customers are looking for with the specific results they receive, so you can better understand how to improve their experience.

One platform, many solutions for Support
One platform, many solutions for Support