

Add Your Business to Yelp

Founded in 2004, Yelp was created to help consumers find great local businesses. Yelp has crowd-sourced over 148M local business reviews, by customers and for customers, to help over 142M users discover better information about businesses in their area.

Supported Fields

Review Monitoring

This is part of Yext's reviews feature:

Publisher Suggestions

Approve or reject user-suggested edits to your listings.


Get a comprehensive view of how consumers interact with your brand on the places they search with Yext’s combined publisher-centric and proprietary data, like Searches, Profile Views and more.

Menu Sync

Showcase your menu to let consumers know if you're serving what they crave.

Listings Sync

Maintain accurate and consistent information about your locations across various online directories, search engines, social media platforms and other online services.

Review Response

Easily engage with customers and respond to their reviews directly from the Yext platform.

Listings Monitoring

Scans various online directories and platforms to identify any discrepancies, inaccuracies, or unauthorised changes to a business's information.


Let customers know how to address you by giving them a name.


Let travellers know where they can find your business.

Main phone

Let customers know where they can contact you on your main number.


Leverage business descriptions to localise your brand, share its unique history and attract more consumers.


Drive more consumers to your webpages by providing a direct link to your website.


Make sure your customers know exactly when they have access to your products and services.

Payment methods

Let customers know which payment methods you accept ahead of time, so they can come prepared.


Let customers know they have the option for their item to be delivered to them.


Help consumers and intelligent services understand what you have to offer by associating yourself with the right categories for your business.

Split Hours

Let customers know the specific times of day (like lunchtime) when you’re closed for business.


Make your digital storefront vibrant by showcasing photos of your business.

Holiday Hours

Let your customers know if and when you’ll be open over the holidays.

Photo Captions

Add captions to your photos to give searching consumers more context about what they’re viewing.

Display Lat_Long

Display your business coordinates to let customers know where to find you.

Technical Details

Update Time


Affliate Publishers


Supported Countries

Canada, United States

Supported Languages

cs, da, de, de_DE, en, en_AU, en_ca, en_GB, en_IE, en_US, es, es_MX, fi, fr, fr_ca, ga, it, ja, mi, ms, nb, nl, no, pl, pt, rm, sv, ta, tr, zh_Hans, zh_Hant

Supported Fields

Name, Address, Display Lat_Long, Main phone, Description, Website, Hours, Holiday Hours, Split Hours, Payment methods, Photos, Photo Captions, Delivery, Categories

Supported Features

Review Monitoring, Publisher Suggestions, Analytics, Menu Sync, Listings Sync, Review Response, Listings Monitoring