
Amazon Alexa

Add Your Business to Amazon Alexa

Alexa is Amazon’s cloud-based voice service available on tens of millions of devices. Ensure Amazon Alexa has the most up-to-date information about your business and reach consumers through tens of millions of devices.

Supported Fields

Menu Sync

Showcase your menu to let consumers know if you're serving what they crave.

Hidden Address

Hide your address while still being able to publicize your listing.


Let customers know how to address you by giving them a name.


Let travelers know where they can locate your business.

Main phone

Let customers know where they can contact you at your main number.


Make sure your customers know exactly when they have access to your products and services.


Help consumers and intelligent services understand what you have to offer by associating yourself with the right categories for your business.

Split Hours

Let customers know the specific times of day (like lunchtime) when you’re closed for business.

Holiday Hours

Let your customers know if and when you’ll be open during the holidays.

Display Lat/Long

Display your business coordinates to let customers know where to find you.

Technical Details

Update Time


Supported Countries

Austria, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Ireland, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, United States

Supported Languages


Supported Fields

Name, Address, Display Lat/Long, Local Phone, Main phone, Hours, Holiday Hours, Split Hours, Categories

Supported Features

Submission, Menu Sync, Hidden Address

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