

Add your business to Yexsys

Yexsys specializes in helping global chain brands efficiently manage their listings on the most popular digital platforms across Asia including Baidu, Mafengwo and CTrip.

Supported Fields


Let customers know how to address you by giving them a name.


Let travelers know where they can locate your business.


Leverage business descriptions to localize your brand, share its unique history, and attract more consumers.


Make sure your customers know exactly when they have access to your products and services.

Payment Methods

Let customers know which payment methods you accept ahead of time, so they can come prepared.


Drive more consumers to your webpages by providing a direct link to your website.

Main phone

Let customers know where they can contact you at your main number.


Help potential customers understand what you do best — ahead of time.


Supports a variety of languages.

Business Logo

Generate brand consistency and add your logo to places your brand lives online.


Help consumers and intelligent services understand what you have to offer by associating yourself with the right categories for your business.


Make your digital storefront vibrant by showcasing photos of your business.

Twitter URL

Help consumers communicate with you by letting them know your Twitter handle.

Instagram URL

Add your Instagram handle and encourage consumers to engage with your brand on one of the most popular social platforms.

Facebook URL

Point consumers to where they can ‘Like’, comment, and post content about your business on Facebook.

Special Offer / Featured Message

Link to and showcase store specials, promotions, seasonal coupons, and more, with Yext's exclusive Featured Message.

Year Established

Give consumers a sense of how established your business is.

Display Lat/Long

Display your business coordinates to let customers know where to find you.

Routable lat/Long

Pinpoint your coordinates so customers can be directed to your location.

Technical Details

Update Time


Supported Languages


Supported Fields

Name, Address, Display Address, Description, Year Established, Twitter URL, Instagram URL, Facebook URL, Special Offer / Featured Message, Display Lat/Long, Routable lat/Long, Geomodifier, Pickup Lat/Long, Dropoff Lat/Long, Hours, Photos, Business Logo, Payment Methods, Website, Main phone, Specialties, Products, Services, Keywords, Languages, Temporary Closed, Categories