Yesterday a Google employee addressed a number of questions in the Google Places support forum regarding the verification of new listings and making updates to existing ones.
Her post was in response to a number of Google Places users who were having difficulty editing or claiming their Google Places listing.
In one specific instance a user was able to upload pictures and videos to their listing, but after a few days the enhanced content was nowhere to be found. In another, a user added a description, videos and categories to their listing, and even after three weeks they still weren't showing up.
In her post, Vanessa mentioned that "we've been doing some work on our backend, cleaning up the pipes in order to make more improvements to Google Places over time." Although this seems like a step in the right direction, having to wait days or weeks until edits to Google Places listings is still much longer than any local business should have to wait to update their business listing.
We have recognized the importance of speed with regards to business listings updates, and that is why most of our partners offer instant updates to PowerListings customers. If you want to check out the exact times for PowerListings updates you can take a look here.
Do you know how your business listings look across the web? You can find out with our free local search scorecard!