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Jira Issue Connector

Use this app to connect your Jira Issues to Yext

Use this app to connect your Jira Issues to Yext. This connector includes the ability to pull in commentor, commentor email, and comments to each Jira Issue.

  1. Log into your Jira account and select your account icon on the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Navigate to Manage Account > Security > API Token and click “Create and Manage API Tokens”.
  3. Click 'Create API token' and provide a unique label. Copy down the API token. This will serve as your password. Your JIRA username will be your email.
  4. Note down your Atlassian domain name (i.e. for, the domain name would be yext).
  5. Note down your full JIRA domain URL (i.e.
  6. Note down your board ID (i.e., the board id would be 111)
  7. Go back to Yext and click “Install” on the download page
  8. Provide your username, password, board ID, Atlassian domain name, and Atlassian domain URL
  9. Edit any configuration (optional)
  10. Run connector

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