How AI Helps Marketers Deliver A Better Customer Journey

Make AI the new tool in your toolbox to deliver a better experience for customers all along the funnel.

By Jessica Belsito

Oct 12, 2023

4 min
How AI Helps Marketers Deliver A Better Customer Journey

Marketing leaders know that a negative consumer experience can significantly harm their business. According to research from PwC, even when people have a strong affinity for a company or its products, 59% of them will abandon the brand after encountering multiple negative experiences — and 17% will do so after just a single negative interaction.

But what leads to a poor consumer experience in the first place? It often boils down to several factors:

  • Insufficient resources to produce up-to-date content that aligns with current events, resulting in outdated perspectives that fail to answer consumer questions

  • Inconsistent or outdated information in bios, product names, and business details, which can create confusion and distrust

  • A lack of support or actionable solutions that solve customer challenges, further compounding their negative experiences.

You may notice a pattern here: the challenges above could be solved with more people — or more time — but most businesses don't have the luxury of excess resources.

The good news? With AI becoming a table stakes layer throughout marketing tools, there are more opportunities to leverage AI to minimize disruptions to your customer's journey than ever. Here's how to make AI the new tool in your toolbox to deliver a better experience for customers all along the funnel.

3 Key Ways to Use AI to Engage with Customers More Effectively

1. Use content generation to create fresh, diverse perspectives that speak to your customer's pain points.

The phrase "content is king" gets repeated for a reason: creating more content for your website can have positive effects on SEO and customer satisfaction, and it's also essential to personalization efforts. But until recently, creating a lot of content took a lot of team members or a lot of time — or both.

With AI-enabled content generation, you can implement changes at scale so your site is always accurate and engaging. You can automate diverse types of content creation: drafting blog posts, creating updated bios for team members, generating product descriptions, and even delivering personalized messaging at scale.

Real-life example: Updating bios, product names, adding new viewpoints to blogs, writing real time content on real time events

2. Engage customers via third-party platforms with generated review responses at scale.

Responding to reviews is an opportunity to improve relationships with customers who had a negative experience, thank loyal customers for kind reviews, and showcase excellent customer service to prospective customers who will consult customer reviews before making a purchase decision. But customers expect personalized interactions when a business reaches out to them — and until recently, it's been too time-consuming for most orgs to issue a truly custom response to every review.

That's where AI-generated replies come in. With the right platform, you can respond to reviews at scale while maintaining your brand voice. AI tools (like Yext's Content Generation for Review Response) let you give prompts about what the generated response should include —i.e., tone to use, length, facts to mention — so that you can reply faster and more effectively.

3. Use chatbots that understand natural language to deliver personalized customer experiences at scale.

Advancements in AI make it easy for marketers to set up a chatbot that can have human-like conversations on behalf of your team — surfacing relevant content, driving conversions, and so much more. And to top it off, the setup takes minutes, not months. Bots can now be configured using basic natural language instructions, so there's no need to code or set up complicated decision trees.

Make a greater impact on your marketing KPIs at scale with the help of an AI-enabled bot and spend more of your time on strategic initiatives that can't be automated. Click here to learn more.


Even the most loyal customers can quickly abandon a brand when they experience negative interactions. However, AI presents a transformative opportunity for businesses to not only mitigate the challenges that lead to bad consumer experiences but also to elevate their interactions to new heights.

Whether it's updating content on your website, crafting responses to reviews that reflect your brand's values, or providing personalized support through AI-driven chatbots, the potential is vast.

Embrace the power of AI to reduce friction, enhance consumer journeys, and ultimately drive your business towards unprecedented success.

Up Next: Using AI to Drive Efficiencies and Meet KPIs in Marketing

In this guide about Yext use cases, learn how AI can help you differentiate your brand, keep up with your customers' expectations, and drive more KPIs with fewer resources.

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